A solar ventilation with an energy gain by Grammer Solar is simple and efficient in planning, installation and operation. Place your order for a system directly at our online shop and let it be installed by a local handyman. Experienced handymen can easily install a Twinsolar Compact on their own.
In case you should need professional support regarding construction or installation, you can gladly contact one of our partner companies in your area. We would readily check up on your planning if you send us pictures and sketches of your house. For this reason, please order the item “Project consultation” in our online shop.
Self-sufficient SolarAir collector made of seawater-resistant aluminium, with integrated solar power module, air filter and ventilator. All electrical parts which are within the collector are already primed and allow a simple and fast installation of the system.
Whether for facade or roof, parallel or elevated – the Twinsolar compact packages include everything what you usually need for solar ventilation.
Ideal for the ventilation of small rooms, mountain huts and holiday homes, as well as for basements is a collector area of 2.0 m² which is sufficient for a room size of 80 m².